Our true desire is to offer the most comfortable dental experience possible. Dr. Call and Dr. Densley understand that dental procedures can cause fear and anxiety, in fact both of the doctors have family members that experience these very common, anxious feelings.
If you are one of the majority - one who is afraid of going to the dentist - we have the perfect solution for you. The doctors at Century Dental can provide IV sedation or other types of dental sedation for any dental procedure; from fillings, crowns, root canals, implants, to tooth extractions or even a cleaning.
We want the experience to be easy and comfortable for you. IV sedation allows you to safely and comfortably have your dentistry completed.
Pediatric Sedation Dentistry
Additionally, we can also offer a general anesthesia sedation, provided by a board certified anesthesiologist. Come in and we will tailor either of these options to provide you with the level of care that you desire.
Don't let fear or anxiety keep you from having the smile you have always dreamed of. Through IV sedation we can help you smile through life!
FAQ's About IV Sedation
In this section we would like to provide you with some answers to the questions that we are most frequently asked.
Is IV sedation safe?
We are happy to say yes, in fact a resounding yes. With IV sedation we are able to give you as much or as little of the medications that you will need to put you into a comfortable state of relaxation. In fact, most patients are so relaxed and comfortable that they fall asleep.
This condition is not as predictable with oral sedation. It is quite common to give too much medication when sedating patients with pills, that's when it gets dangerous. IV sedation can be specifically targeted to bring you to the exact level of comfort you want to achieve.
When I am sedated will I say something I might regret?
With some medications that can happen; however, with the sequence and types of medications that will be used in your sedation, your secrets are safe with you.
What if I don't want to remember anything?
You are in luck. With IV sedation you enter a brain state that allows you to forget the treatment that is going on. Most patients comment how interesting it is to wake up and have all of their dentistry completed and they don't remember a thing.
Am I monitored while I am being sedated?
Yes. You will be wearing multiple electronic monitors which include an automatic blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, a capnography monitor and an ECG. All of these monitors provide critical, immediate feedback on how your body is responding to the sedation. In addition, we have the doctor in the room with two female assistants. One dental assistant will work directly with the doctor and the other assistant will never leave the room while you are sedated. Her only assignment is to look after your welfare by monitoring full time your condition and your response to the sedation.
Schedule an appointment today by calling (971) 708-1608 and our friendly staff will set a date and time that works for you.
IV Sedation Hillsboro OR | Century Dental - Dentist Hillsboro, OR Interested in learning more about IV sedation and general dentistry? Click through the link to learn more about why Century Dental is the most trusted sedation dentist in Hillsboro, OR. Century Dental, 2831 SE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123 | (971) 708-1608 | centurydentalllc.com | 9/6/2024 | Tags: dentist hillsboro or