Dental Implants FAQ Hillsboro, OR
If you are getting dental implants, you might have many questions. We have put together a list of FAQs in hopes of answering all of your questions and clearing any confusion regarding dental implants.
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are prostheses used to replace missing teeth. They are small titanium fixtures or posts inserted in the jawbone to replace the roots. They are inserted through a minor surgery into your jawbone, and on top is a single porcelain crown.
How Is the Surgery Performed?
Dental implant surgery requires several appointments and depends upon the condition of your jawbone. The dentist uses a local anesthetic to cut your gum and expose the bone. Once the implant is placed into your jawbone, the dentist will close the gum to let the titanium combine with the bone, a process called osseointegration. Consult Jefferson Call, DMD and Thorn Simnitt, DMD for your dental implant appointments.
Does It Hurt?
The surgery is performed under anesthetics but you can expect some pain and discomfort when the effects wear off. The pain might last up to 48 hours, but any OTC pain reliever such as Advil or Tylenol will take care of it. You might also experience swelling and minor bleeding as the gums and the jawbone undergo trauma during the surgery.
Dental implant surgeries cannot be performed on people with gingivitis or other gum diseases. It is also contraindicated in people with diabetes, leukemia, and other conditions that lead to a weak immune system, as these medical conditions interfere with the healing process.
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Dental implants are similar to natural teeth and designed to be a permanent solution. While they can last for many years, an implant may fail to attach to the bone if an infection develops. However, there is a high success rate if you practice good dental care and schedule regular dental checkups.
Are Dental Implants Safe?
Dental implants have been used for over 30 years as a safe and effective solution to replace damaged and missing teeth. Take care of them properly, and they will last for decades without corroding or shifting and will not irritate your jawbone and gums in the long run.
What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
Dental decay or gum disease causes many people to lose one or more teeth, and dental implants are a successful way to replace those missing permanent teeth. They improve your appearance and confidence and behave like natural teeth for easy chewing and eating. They stabilize the adjacent teeth, enhance your speech, and prevent further bone loss.
What Are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?
Some risks associated with dental implants include infections, delayed healing, major bleeding, jaw fractures, and damage to adjacent teeth. Our oral surgeons and dentists at Century Dental will discuss the risks with you before the surgery and how they can be managed according to your situation.
Are Dental Implants Expensive?
This procedure is more expensive than other replacement methods like bridgework or dentures. They are charged per implant and not per the whole procedure. However, it is a lifetime investment for your oral health and a wise decision to prevent more problems in the future.
What Are Some Post-Operative Instructions?
If your dentist used IV sedation, you must arrange for someone to take you home. Eating cold and soft foods or warm soups and taking OTC pain relievers are recommended. Limit vigorous activities and exercise for three to four days after surgery.
A Word From Our Specialists
Getting a dental implant is a difficult decision, and it is recommended to consult a dentist to discuss the risks and benefits and whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. Contact us at (971) 708-1608 to book an appointment and decide the right plan for you.