Continuing Dental Education
Continuing Dental Education
Equally important to this foundation is the upward building of knowledge and experience through continuing education. This time is spent to advance the treatments we provide and the understanding that you as a patient want.
At Century Dental we focus on exceeding 100 hours a year in different areas of dentistry to improve your experience and your health. You can meet with us with the knowledge that we are passionate about what we do, we invest our time and resources to a cause that we want to learn more about. We continue our education to bring all of the subjects in each area of dentistry together and provide for you one phenomenal office.
For more information on the topics that we have spent extra time advancing our knowledge in, contact Jeff R. Call, DMD, or Thorn Simnitt, DMD, DDS, at our Hillsboro, OR Dental office for more information or just give us a call at (971) 708-1608.