Can I Call to Ask Questions About My Upcoming Procedure?
Posted on 11/9/2020 by Dr. Call
If you have a dental procedure scheduled with us, you may have some questions about it. We will answer any questions you may have and give you a good amount of information when we talk to you about the procedure. However, we know that sometimes it takes a few days for information to really sink in. You may think of a few more questions you have that you didn't get answered. Instead of waiting until the day of the consultation, you may want or need to have these questions answered ahead of time. While you can certainly call us to ask them, there are a few reasons why it's better to make an appointment to talk to one of our experts.
Why Come in Instead of Calling?
There are a few reasons why we suggest coming in to ask your questions instead of calling. First, while our receptionists are certainly knowledgeable about a number of things, they may not be able to answer questions about procedures. They can help you with many basic questions, but for anything very specific or technical, you will want to talk to one of our experts. If you have several questions, coming in can be easier, too, since you will have more time to talk to us. Sometimes, the answer to one question leads to several more, and we can have a discussion that answers all of your current questions and any others that may come up. If you have a question about a certain part of your mouth, we may even need to do a quick exam before we can answer it, and we can't do that over the phone. We want you to feel very comfortable and at-ease before going into any dental procedure, so if you do have any questions, call and make an appointment. We look forward to talking to you.
Dentist Hillsboro, OR | Dental Blog - Century Dental Hillsboro, OR Jefferson Call, DMD and Dix Densley, DDS believe that the better informed their patients are, the better their decisions about dental care can be. With this blog, they hope to inform and empower our readers in their oral health. - See more Century Dental, 2831 SE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123 ^ (971) 708-1608 ^ ^ 2/11/2025 ^ Related Terms: Dentist Hillsboro OR