Invisalign FAQ Hillsboro, OR
Invisalign is a type of cosmetic dentistry procedure that involves wearing a series of clear and removable aligners that eventually straighten your teeth. Unlike braces, this treatment doesn’t require unsightly wires or brackets, making it a convenient solution to restore your confident smile.
At Century Dental, Dr. Densley will help you straighten your teeth through the convenient Invisalign treatment to regain that perfect smile. Here we answer some of the most pressing questions by our clients to help you learn more about the procedure.
What Material are Invisalign Aligners Made Of?
We use the latest innovations in dental technology to provide you with a state-of-the-art Invisalign treatment. The clear aligners we use are made using high-quality thermoplastic designed exclusively for this treatment. It has no color, no taste, or side effects.
Can Invisalign Completely Straighten My Teeth?
Invisalign treatment is different for each patient, but the result is always guaranteed. Dr. Densley will examine your jawbone and create a unique treatment plan specifically to straighten your teeth based on your requirements. We design a series of clear aligners to apply just the right amount of force to realign your teeth into a healthy position. Your doctor will closely examine the progress to ensure that everything is going according to your treatment plan.
What Are the Benefits of Getting Invisalign Treatment?
Invisalign treatment offers you the benefits of getting braces but without all of the drawbacks. Invisalign treatment is designed to gradually straighten your teeth without relying on wires or brackets, allowing you to smile with confidence during the process without brackets or wires irritating your mouth.
Who is Invisalign Treatment Designed For?
Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for everyone from teens to adults who need a virtually invisible way to realign their teeth for a more confident smile. Since it is a non-invasive process, Invisalign comes with no complications or recovery periods to worry about. The solution is perfect to fix nearly all teeth-straightening issues.
How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?
Depending on how complex your case is, you can expect to get finished results from the Invisalign treatment in as little as six months. You can actually start seeing the results of the treatment in the first few weeks.
Can I Have Invisalign Treatment if I’m Already Wearing Braces?
If you have been wearing braces to straighten your teeth and want to switch to Invisalign, it might be possible. Contact us to consult with Dr. Hensly to identify the best possible course of action for switching to Invisalign treatment.
Can Invisalign Work with Crowns or Veneers?
Depending on the dental work you have had done, it might be possible. Contact us to schedule an appointment. Our dental expert will examine your case to identify whether it is possible to get Invisalign treatment.
Will People Be Able to Tell I’m Getting Invisalign Treatment?
The clear aligners we use in Invisalign treatment are virtually invisible. People will not notice the aligners unless they focus hard on your teeth. With Invisalign treatment, you get the perfect solution to seamlessly get your teeth straightened without wires or brackets.
If you are looking for the perfect teeth-straightening solution and need a qualified dentist to perform the procedure, call us at (971) 708-1608 so that we can examine your mouth and discuss your options with you.