Regular dental visits are essential to ensure that you maintain optimal dental health. This is because the dentist can notice any issues that may be arising and help prevent them before they progress into more severe dental problems. One of the treatments that the dentist can recommend is the extraction of one or more of your teeth. In such cases, the dentist sees that it is only necessary to remove your tooth either to stop an issue from progressing or to relieve you from pain. Either way, when the dentist recommends an extraction, they have your best interests at heart, and the option is best for you.
Damaged Tooth that is Beyond Repair
You may undergo trauma or injury that badly damages your tooth. For instance, you can fall hitting your teeth pretty badly, breaking one or two in the process. If the dentist assesses the damage and sees that the teeth are beyond repair, then removal is the only option.
Impacted Teeth
When you have impacted teeth, such that they cause teeth to fail to protrude from the gums, the dentist will likely recommend an extraction. The teeth that fail to emerge can cause a lot of pain and discomfort and removing them becomes vital to relieve pain.
Tooth Decay
When you have one or more teeth, badly damaged by tooth decay, then it would be necessary to remove them. This is because they can affect the surrounding teeth and tissues, therefore leading to serious dental conditions. Badly decayed teeth are also a source of severe pain, and therefore it would be essential to extract them to end the misery.
When you require the removal of a tooth, you can visit us at our clinic. Our dentists are always ready to offer personalized dental care to ensure you return to the best overall health. Feel free to contact us for further information about the tooth extraction procedure.
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