Brushing your teeth is essential for good oral hygiene. It is important to brush two times a day, for two minutes at each brushing session. While it is important to brush your teeth, it is also important to address all parts of your mouth, especially if you have some areas of concern.
After you eat or drink, bacteria forms on your teeth. The bacteria was already in your mouth, but it really goes to work once you eat or drink. The job of the bacteria is to eat the sugar off your teeth. However, the bacteria in your mouth also produce acidic waste. This acid breaks down the enamel of your teeth, which can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. Brushing your teeth cleans the bacteria off your teeth so that the enamel is preserved. However, is it important to brush your gums and the inside of your mouth?
Brush All Parts of Your Mouth in Certain Circumstances
In some cases, brushing the inside of your cheeks would be a good idea. If you react to a certain toothpaste brand, a gentle swipe of the toothbrush on the inside of your mouth and cheeks would be beneficial to get it off. If you have canker sores or mouth ulcers, you may want to brush all the surfaces in your mouth gently. If you do choose to brush the inside of your cheeks, it will not harm you; just be gentle.
Given the texture of the inside of your cheeks, bacteria does not tend to accumulate there. Conversely, your tongue has lots of grooves where bacteria can hang out; it is important to brush your tongue each time you brush your teeth. Additionally, brushing your tongue will reduce the likelihood of having bad breath.
Give us a Call to Schedule Your Dental Exam
If you have any questions about brushing or flossing, we are here to help you. Give us a call to schedule your next dental exam, and we would love to talk to you about your oral hygiene.
Dentist Hillsboro, OR | Dental Blog - Century Dental Hillsboro, OR Jefferson Call, DMD and Dix Densley, DDS believe that the better informed their patients are, the better their decisions about dental care can be. With this blog, they hope to inform and empower our readers in their oral health. - See more Century Dental, 2831 SE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123 | (971) 708-1608 | | 2/14/2025 | Related Terms: Dentist Hillsboro OR