Most people consider psoriasis a skin condition that causes spots on different parts of your body like the scalp, knees, and elbows. However, symptoms of this ailment may occur in places you least expect, for example, the inside of your mouth. This condition is known as oral psoriasis.
Oral psoriasis is generally not a harmful condition, but for some people, it can be uncomfortable. Moreover, the correct diagnosis can be a bit of a struggle. Why?
Because it is so rare that majority of doctors have never witnessed it, let alone treat it.
Symptoms Of Oral Psoriasis
The symptoms of oral psoriasis are usually mild and come and go quickly. Plus, it can be a bit hard to discern if you have this condition. But generally, experts believe that though signs and symptoms can emerge in different mouth areas, they are most commonly found on the inside of your cheeks. Some oral psoriasis signs you may notice are:
Patches or blotches of red skin with white or yellow edges
Peeling skin on the gums
Changes in how food tastes
Pustules (blisters with pus)
Burning sensation or pain, especially when eating something spicy
Oral psoriasis may also be linked to other conditions, such as:
Infected or swollen gums
Geographic tongue: red lesions on the tongue that resemble islands on a map
Fissured tongue: trenches or grooves on the tongue
People suffering from oral psoriasis tend to have skin symptoms as well, for example, thick, scaly patches. Your mouth patches will perhaps get better or worse, along with the symptoms on your skin. Thus, if psoriasis appears in your mouth, you will most likely experience skin flare-ups.
Closing Note
If you are suffering from skin psoriasis and notice symptoms in your mouth, in that case the fastest way to get the treatment you need is by contacting Century Dental and ensure the condition is kept to a minimum.
Dentist Hillsboro, OR | Dental Blog - Century Dental Hillsboro, OR Jefferson Call, DMD and Dix Densley, DDS believe that the better informed their patients are, the better their decisions about dental care can be. With this blog, they hope to inform and empower our readers in their oral health. - See more Century Dental, 2831 SE Cornelius Pass Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97123 • (971) 708-1608 • • 2/11/2025 • Key Phrases: Dentist Hillsboro OR